Monday, June 2, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I know I haven't updated nearly enough for everyone that reads my blog (All 2 of you!!) Anyway, I've decided to keep track of the funnier things Maddy says. I only wish I'd started this even earlier in her young life as I have forgotten MANY funny things she has said that I thought I'd remember for ever, so here it goes in no praticular order...


While shopping in Winners Maddy decided to walk a round the clothes rack and then asks..

"Mom is that a pirate?" I walk around the corner to see what she's talking about while asking "Is what a pirate?" only to discover her standing a foot or so away from an Middle eastern dressed women. I was so embarressed!!

When she was in the bathroom & I walked in to check on her she said "mom, it really stinks in here, stay out!!" I tried to tell her it was okay & I was going to try to help her, she commented "no you're gonna die in here."

There was a Magpie in the backyard the other day and I said I should shoot it, Maddy asks "Well, whose bird is it?" I told her it was Heavenly Father's and she said "he'll be really mad if you kill his bird mom." Like I was being serious, although I do hate when they get in the garbage.

While talking about a neighborhood cat I told her she could consider hers & how it was the best pet cause it was always so busy doing its job.. "Mom cats can't have jobs, they sleep in cages" I'm just glad she's willing to believe it's her cat so we don't have to get a pet as Alan & I aren't big cat people.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Maddy & Jacob

unconditional love -- two souls, destined to help one another

The greatest power known to man is that of unconditional love.

Maddy and Jacob are the greatest of little friends. They are only 2, but their faces light up when you mention the others name, the get excited when they pass by the others house, they argue, they fight, they share, they laugh, they cry and push, they compete, they mimick each other, they talk, they play, they worry about each other and I really think they have an unconditional love for one another.

Jacob welcomed a baby brother about a month and a half ago (already?!) and while life was some what out of the norm at home he made daily visits to play with Maddy so his mom could bond with his new brother and try to catch up on sleep (although not always possible). The played everyday almost for over a week and a half and had a few moments that were especially heartwarming. One day while laying side by side faces buried into the ground,uncontrollable laughter filling the house due to some much needed "tickles" Jacob quickly pulled his arm up and over Maddy and pulled her in close as to protect her from the tickles. It was so cute how he was watching out for her. On an unexpected over night stay Jacob and Maddy were laying in Maddy's bed reading stories when I told them it was "sleepy time" Jacob trying to be brave got a little teary eyes and Maddy told me he would feel better if she sang. She held his hand and sang "Twinkle little Star" to her best little friend. I have enjoyed watching these to as they interact together and display "True Love"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Maddy's views

So last weekend we went to a baptism and took Maddy with us and I quickly learned that there's a reason we take our kids to church in "Sunday clothes" as she was not very reverent in her p.j.'s!! Anyway, on Sunday when they were confirming the lady I tried my best to explain to my 2 year old what was happening. During sacrament she informed me she was not going to get baptized as it was too scary. I told her she has a long time to think about it and it really isn't that scary by the time you turn 8. Then she told me it was too scary to turn 8 as well. I was amazed at how much she took in from the baptism as I really didn't think she was even paying attention. Then this week she has brought up the Holy Ghost many times as well as getting baptized. The other day she was in the bathroom going about her business when she called me in to see the "women getting "baptized" in the sand.".. I had no clue what she was talking about but quickly realized that the ad for a vacation on a sandy beach with the man dipping his wife was actually my 2 year olds vision of a baptism. I cannot believe the things she absorbs, it's scary at times.