Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Beginning

I've been thinking for a while now that I really need to record things that I will want to remember later or that my kids can one day look back on and writing in a journal doesn't sound to appealing so I thought when I get around to it I would start a blog. Well, I've finally found a few minutes where I should be cleaning, working or taking care of kids, but decided what the heck, why not start now.

I love being a mom and truly don't think there is anything in the world I would trade for this call in life. I have a wonderful 2 year old, yes she's strong willed and a bit bossy, but she's awesome & makes me smile every day. She's really into music, dancing and playing pretend. I've had to act out parts of Hairspray with her as she dances around singing the song. I usually get called "Link" a few times a week as she insists I call her "Tracy". Then there's Charlotte who is very happy most of the time. She loves her sister Maddy & mommy the most as we have yet to determine who she thinks is the funnier of the 2 (personally I think it's Maddy, but she laughs hard for both of us) These two are wonderful spirits and I feel blessed each day to know them and have them in our family. Maddy has proved to be a great helper lately as she is constantly wanting to do laundry, feed Charlotte and various other activities that need doing around the house. I can often times find her working on an "assignment" as she calls it. Life is busy and I can hardly find time to do basic neccessities, but wouldn't trade being their mom for anything (yes, even brushed teeth or clean clothes)